New Fish Tank
I've set up a little 20 gallon fish tank with 6 neon tetras, and last night I added three peppered corydoras catfish. The tank's been up about 3 weeks and everyone seems to be doing well.
It's not as simple as you think to start a fish tank, because at first there aren't enough bacteria to turn the fish waste into less harmful nitrates, and that's why lots of people have fish die when they first try their hand.
I set up a web page to help me monitor the fish tank health. You have to measure the pH, ammonia and nitrite levels every day, and do partial water changes if the levels get too high. It's not hard to do though, especially if you have a small tank. It can take one or two months before the levels settle down.
Hi David:
Nice tank. When are you going to add live plants. When you have them you can add shrimp to the tank, and the plants compete with algae.
Good luck.
We have the same brown rocks. Mom likes your substrate better than mine. I hope you have better luck with the coris than I did. I think they are so cute. You have a school of Brenna's favorite fish. She loves neon tetras. The most hardy fish i have had are the danios can't kill those guys. I also have 3 skunk loachs that make an audible clicking sound when the chase each other around the tank.
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