Physiotherapy for my wrist
Here's what I have to do, 6 times a day for the next 2 months. I have to do each exercise 10 times. I hope this will make my wrist work properly again. It is still very stiff, and there are lots of movements it won't do.
Hand straight up:
1. Curl fingers to 2nd knuckle - karate chop
2. Bend all fingers to 90 degs
3. Move thumb from full outstretch to the left to th base of pinky
4. Place hand palm down and lift each finger separately
5. Alien hand - move thumb UP from palm and back - use opposite hand
6. Thumb wave - move thumb to side and back to index finger - use hand to help
7. Hold thumb at first crease, bend and straighten
8. Hold thumb at 2nd knuckle, bend and straighten - use other hand
9. Arc, wiggle thumnb in a circle in front of finger bases.
Rest elbow on table with hand up.
10. Turn palm to face, then away. Help with other hand.
11. Band hand down and back from wrist. Help with other hand
12. Make O's with all fingers to thumb
13. Make fist, push fingers wide
Place hand flat on table.
14. Keep forearm still, slide hand to left and right
15. Raise and lower elbow
Hang hand over edge of table
16. Bend down and up at wrist
Bend elbow to 90 degs by side
17. Turn palm up as far as it will go, then down
18. Touch shoulder with fingertips.
Hand straight up:
1. Curl fingers to 2nd knuckle - karate chop
2. Bend all fingers to 90 degs
3. Move thumb from full outstretch to the left to th base of pinky
4. Place hand palm down and lift each finger separately
5. Alien hand - move thumb UP from palm and back - use opposite hand
6. Thumb wave - move thumb to side and back to index finger - use hand to help
7. Hold thumb at first crease, bend and straighten
8. Hold thumb at 2nd knuckle, bend and straighten - use other hand
9. Arc, wiggle thumnb in a circle in front of finger bases.
Rest elbow on table with hand up.
10. Turn palm to face, then away. Help with other hand.
11. Band hand down and back from wrist. Help with other hand
12. Make O's with all fingers to thumb
13. Make fist, push fingers wide
Place hand flat on table.
14. Keep forearm still, slide hand to left and right
15. Raise and lower elbow
Hang hand over edge of table
16. Bend down and up at wrist
Bend elbow to 90 degs by side
17. Turn palm up as far as it will go, then down
18. Touch shoulder with fingertips.